
Geohydrological survey, hydrological reports, groundwater investigations, chemical analyses, water infiltration tests, groundwater modelling, water law applications.

Development of investigation concepts, proposal preparation, coordination of the scope of investigations with architects, planners and clients under technical, professional and economical aspects. Data research.

Development and exploration of subsoil by drilling in granular soil or bedrock including development of qualified groundwater monitoring points and wells, subsoil surveys by geophysical methods as seismic, Georadar, ...

Qualified sampling of groundwater, flowing waters, lakes and ponds. Implementation of geohydraulic tests (e.g. short-term, long-term or well performance pumping tests, tracer tests). Discharge measurements of receiving water, sampling of mud and sediment from stagnant and running water.

Supervision and monitoring of hydrogeologic surveys. Analysis of groundwater level by electric contact gauge or data logger. Determination of thickness of oil phases.

Chemical and microbiological surveys of all known pollutants by accredited laboratories (DAkks) according to applicable norms and standards (DIN, VDI).

Preparation of geological and hydrogeological pre-studies, implementation of hydraulic calculations. Development hydrogeologic reports. Delivery of water management concepts.

Implementation of geohydraulic calculations for planning of construction measures. Development of IT-based 2D and 3D groundwater models. Conception of trenches that cut into the groundwater level including proposals of dismantling of pit linings to prevent groundwater impoundment.

Planning, tender and supervision of groundwater redevelopment measures and risk management at groundwater contaminations (e.g. contaminations by solvents, fuels, pesticides).

Development of permission applications according to water law for temporary and long-term groundwater extraction (for construction issues and water retentions during construction time or long-term extraction of service water by commercial businesses).

Documentation of each measure for clients/owners, support and supervision of executing companies, site measuring of service rendered, and more, on site, accounting control.