Building pollutants

Pollutant register, reports on building pollutants, survey of building pollutants, building surveys, chemical analyses, demolition reports.

Development of investigation concepts, proposal preparation, coordination of the scope of investigations with architects, planners and clients under technical, professional and economical aspects.

Implementation of record views at building authorities, environmental authorities and other professional services, evaluation and assessment of existing reports and external or archive reports (deficit analysis). Inspection of buildings and initial siteevaluations.

Inspection and assessment of apartments, houses, buildings or whole industrial complexes and shopping centers with regard to the existence of pollutants. Qualified sampling of building material as well as evaluation of materials suspicious of pollutants (insulating material, paint coats, joints, floorings, roof coverings, …). Implementation of core drilling (dry/wet) in floor slabs and walls, professional opening and closing of roofs for checking structure/insolation material.

Measuring of room air (VOC, PAK, PCB, Asbestos, Formaldehyde, molds and others).

Chemical Analysis of all known pollutants by accredited laboratories (DAkks) according to the relevant law (DIN, VDI). Declaration analyses under the waste law (LAGA, RC-Richtlinie/Verwerter-Erlass NRW, DeponieV).

Development of pollutant registers, reports on building pollutants and dismantling concepts / disposal concepts, concepts for occupational safety according to BGR 128, supply of coordinator according to BGR 128 or of Asbestos experts (according to TRGS 519 appendix 3).

Preparation of service specifications, service descriptions and arrangement of tender documents (also for large projects), evaluation of proposals, preparation of price comparison lists, assistance at selection for remediation measures and dismantling measures.

Editing/Development of applications for demolition. Integration and coordination of other experts (noise reports, dust reports and others).

Management for disposal. Delivery of all required services within the scope of the electronic proof of waste disposal (eANV). Registration of the waste producers responsible for disposal with the ZKS, preparation of certifications of disposal and accompanying certificates with the electronical eANV-portal, implementation of electronical signatures, implementation of the register of waste.

Planning and monitoring of dismantling processes / construction management of remediation measures, coordination with clients/owners, demolition companies and environmental authorities and other professional services.

Assistance of construction management, consultation and supervision of the owner, consultation and control of executing companies for remediation measures, inspection of services rendered.

Preparation of applications for recycling construction material (RC-applications) including explanation report, pre-coordination with the environmental authorities for respective modalities for the integration of recycling construction material, obtainment of permission concerning water and disposal law, monitoring and documentation of integration of recycled construction material in cooperation with the owner or the demolition company.

Summary documentation of dismantling and demolition measure, measurement of the provided services, etc. on-site; review of the services of executing demolition companies, accounting control.

Further consultations in the range of building pollutants with purchase and sale of property as well as with contract design.