

The quickest way to reach us is by e-mail


Call us at: 02533 / 93 433 - 0

Fax: 02533 / 93 433 - 90

Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 17:00

Where to find us

GEOlogik Wilbers & Oeder GmbH
Feldstiege 98, 48161 Münster-Nienberge,

Load Google Maps?

If you want to see the Google Map on this page, personal data will be sent to, and cookies will be set by the service provider. It is possible that the service provider logs information about this and can track you. You can find the Privacy Policy of Google Maps at:

Wir verwenden ausschließlich technisch notwendige Cookies (z.B. um Ihre Sprachauswahl während der Sitzung zu Speichern) und speichern keine nutzerbezogenen Daten über Sie.
We only use necessary cookies (e.g. to save your language selection during the session) and do not store any user-related data about you.
